3-4 Years

The preschool years are an advanced continuation of the toddler years for your child. Kids from 3 to 4 years old are starting to become more interested in the world outside of their family. Parents should provide their preschoolers with toys that encourage learning about as much of the world as they can. Books and puzzles are great for learning about things your child is interested in and you should spend time each day reading with them to encourage a lifetime love for books and reading.

Preschool age kids are also becoming coordinated enough to start riding a tricycle, use safety scissors, as well as dress and undress themselves. Encourage them to use these newfound skills to help around the home as well as be creative with arts and crafts projects.

As tempting as the new toys that run on batteries are there is still a timeless quality to some classic toys, which are available for this age group. Toys such as classic wooden toy blocks encourage creative play in kids as well as problem solving skills for building and stacking. Encourage your preschooler to be creative and play with other kids to develop good social habits for kindergarten, which is quickly approaching.

  • Bath Toys & Tub Toys
  • Building Blocks
  • Children Books
  • Classic Toys
  • Imaginative Play
  • Jigsaw Puzzles 3 years
  • Kids Cards
  • Kids DVDs and CDs
  • Magnetic Toys
  • Kids Cards
  • Magnetic Toys 3 years and Up
  • Outdoor Toys
  • Paint Brush
  • Pretend Play 3 years
  • Puppets & Teather
  • Soft Toys
  • Wooden Blocks
  • Wooden Puzzles
  • Wooden Toys